Anderson Preparatory Academy Receives STEM Acceleration Grant from IDOE

Congratulations to the Anderson Preparatory Academy (APA) for receiving a K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Acceleration Grant from the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE).

 The Indiana’s STEM Acceleration Grant was awarded to 34 school districts based on their proposal to “accelerate, scale, or implement a STEM curricula grounded in problem/project-based or inquiry-based pedagogy, and incorporating teacher training and support” (IDOE).  APA proposed the creation of three makerspaces for their elementary, middle and high school students to incorporate STEM into an interactive learning curriculum. President of 1st Maker Space, Mary Rinehart explains, “The makerspaces that are being developed for the students at Anderson Preparatory Academy will take learning to the next level. Incorporating STEM into a makerspace gives students the ability to not just learn about an abstract idea such as how coding works, but rather allows them to develop their knowledge of STEM hands-on and implement these skills in a space where failure can happen, and true learning can take place. These makerspaces developed by 1st Maker will be a comprehensive STEM strategy across K-12. In addition, we will also be providing a selection of STEM Kits, 1st Maker Space Curriculum, and provide teachers, administrators and support staff with the tools and training needed to implement this STEM Strategy with their students."

If you would like to learn more about how your school can start developing an interactive STEM curriculum like Anderson Preparatory Academy, please contact 1st Maker Space. We are extremely experienced in Indiana State STEM standards and create all our makerspaces, curriculum and professional development around meeting and excelling these standards.

To learn more about the IDOE STEM Acceleration Grants, visit the IDOE Website at

To schedule a consultation with 1st Maker Space, email 


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