More Than Just E-learning

This week has been an interesting week for me as a working mom. With children out of school, my two kids are home. We are still trying to figure out our new normal, but one of the things I have enjoyed is teaching my kids each day. Liam, my Kindergartner, has eLearning assignments that have been carefully designed by his teachers, but we have a lot of time left over each day. On Monday of this week, I asked him what he wanted to learn. I knew I could fit math and literacy into whatever topic he chose. Then I realized how novel this concept was. Rarely do children get to decide what they get to learn and when they learn it. Making can and should be different. How will you and your children use this time and what will they learn? 1st Maker Space offers a variety of kits, resources, and ideas to make learning engaging and fun both inside and outside of the classroom. Interested in one of these for your classroom? Contact us directly. 

Sail Car

The sail car is an ideal activity for Kindergarten - Grade 2 students. Parents can build the car with their child and explore the use of tools and measurement as they build. Your child will then design and test it to see how far the car will go. This step can be done over and over again, allowing your child to explore the engineering design process as they have fun cutting and coloring different sails! A sail race between siblings could make for a fun activity as well. All instructions, a lesson plan, and kit of materials included for $7. Tool kit available at extra cost, but list of needed tools is available. 

Bath Boats

Another project we are working on this week is a boat! This project focuses on the idea of buoyancy and power. Challenge your child to build a boat that could carry toy soldiers from one side of the bathtub to the other and measure the distance. In addition, children will have a chance to learn about propeller propulsion. Add a book about boats for a full STEM lesson! All instructions, a lesson plan, and kit of materials included for $8. Tool kit available at extra cost, but list of needed tools is available. 


Making doesn’t have to cost anything! Check the recycling bin for some ideas for making projects, or give students materials and a theme for an open making and creative time. Projects can also be themed around a concept or idea, like nature. Now that the birds are coming out, we are going to make bird feeders next week out of all the little milk cartons we are drinking in my house! (Check out this FREE lesson on how to make a DIY Bird House.) Children often express their feelings through their art, so use this as a way to share about how the new living circumstances are impacting each other if needed.

Bit:Booster Checkout Kit

This kit is a maker’s paradise, especially one that cannot leave the house! This kit contains a bit:booster, micro:bit, task cards, servo and DC motor, 3D printed “feet” and servo motor holder, alligator clips, and a clear plastic case. Micro:bits have swept the world by storm with ways that they can be used to teach computer science to students as young as late elementary. Already have a bit:booster? Check out these neat digital pet learning activities from Lectrify. 

Order Yours Today

Active learning can continue indoors. There are a variety of ways to engage them right at home with great making and STEM activities. Check out our full listing of products on our web page at All orders are delivered directly to your door, and all products are created to help grow the next generation of makers. #MakersGonnaMake


Makers Join The Fight Against COVID-19


Indiana Schools Implement Maker-Centered Learning with Digital Learning - Community Advisory Grant from IDOE