Purposeful Design
1st Maker Space Maker Table
We love to support and feature local companies that not only promote hands-on work but also desire to make a difference in their customers’ and employees’ lives. Purposeful Design is an Indianapolis-based furniture company that 1st Maker Space collaborated with to manufacture the Maker Table collection.
Purposeful Design's mission is to help rebuild the lives of individuals broken by addiction or homelessness, equip them with valuable work skills, and provide the gift of work. As a result, once-hurting individuals and families grow and blossom while their customers love their beautiful, custom furniture.
Source: @pdindy Instagram
Purposeful Design welcomes men coming from the streets who want a better life. They offer an entry-level job making custom furniture, with opportunities for advancement along with a program focused on character, lifestyle, motivational, and spiritual growth. Purposeful Design desires to help men move from dependency to independence as they develop a strong work ethic, experience personal growth, and discover their talents and purpose. They believe that each man has great potential and is deserving of respect. As the men learn new skills, gain work experience, and grow in character, the hope is that each man will discover his unique gifts and abilities and be equipped to pursue his dreams and goals. By providing a safe and supportive environment, along with training and opportunities for personal growth, Purposeful Design makes a lasting difference in the lives of the men they serve.
The revenue generated from the sale of furniture helps to fund the apprenticeship and employment programs that are helping men to get and stay on their own two feet. The organization has seen substantial and lasting life change in the men it serves and is significantly beating the national recidivism and relapse rates. The program has proven to help men turn their lives around, and the sale of furniture plays a vital role in supporting this work. Purposeful Design is on a mission to employ and train 100 men annually in Indianapolis and eventually replicate their model across ten cities throughout the country.
Craftsmen at Purposeful Design. Source: @purposefuldesignindy Facebook Page.
We were able to spend some time with Purposeful Design craftsman Antwan Akins and VP of Production Matt Jesch. Antwan grew up in Kansas in what he describes as a rough environment and found himself in a similar rough spot when moving to Indianapolis. Purposeful Design goes out of its way to find those struggling and offers them a chance to grow and learn with the company. Antwan was given the opportunity to make a delivery, which continued into his enrolling in their apprenticeship program and eventually becoming one of their essential craftsmen.
Antwan saying, “I built that!” Source: @pdindy Instagram.
For Antwan, it’s been a learning experience almost every day; there’s always something new. When he goes to work, he feels he is part of a great community of men who consider each other brothers. Antwan loves having a purpose in his work and the working environment provided at Purposeful Design. "We love, we laugh. We try to figure things out before it gets too frustrating. We always pray about our struggles. In all the other jobs I've been a part of, there's always arguing. We love seeing new people come through, and we love to tell our stories. We love to meet new people,” says Antwan.
Matt Jesch also sings the praises of the workplace culture at Purposeful Design; he says,
The apprenticeship program at Purposeful Design. Source: @pdindy Instagram.
"You cannot find another culture like this within a company. If you make a mistake and you mess up, we're looking for how we can teach you and train you and make you better. We have a 45-minute meeting every day where we talk about life. It's a ministry opportunity. Life on life ministry. We're being able to mix that with the work environment.”
Interpersonal relationships, craftsmanship, a robust training program, and a focus on their faith drive Purposeful Design. When these pieces come together correctly, it creates a powerful force that can change lives. Employees can find meaning in their work and feel like they are making a difference. As Antoine says, “In most jobs, you don't want to get out of bed and go to work, but this one, I want to."