Middle School....The Forgotten Grades

Is it just me…or have we forgotten about middle school? This week I spent some time at the STEM Showcase hosted by the Indiana Department of Education. It was there that I noticed an imbalance in vendors, and I don’t think STEM is unique in this challenge.

Why have we abandoned the middle years?

Many initiatives – whether it is career readiness or nutrition – are targeted at both the early grades and high school. We want to ensure that our children get the very best start, so we pump money into programs like On my Way PreK and Head Start. As a society, we want to also ensure that they have everything they need to choose the right career path, so we provide resources for internships and Career and Technical Education at the high school level. These are fantastic programs, but what initiatives are just targeted at the middle years?

It is imperative to remember that middle schoolers are not just large elementary students or small high schoolers. They are budding adolescents that are trying to find their way. As educators, we must provide appropriate learning opportunities for them that recognizes their unique place in this world.


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