Crazy Circuits Classroom Set (25 Pack): Programming 101


Teach programming with this engaging STEM kit and curriculum!

Teaching programming to new learners can be a difficult tasks. The Circuits 101 Classroom line was designed as a complete classroom solution for teaching electronics. Not only do we give teachers a robust set of materials to use but we also provide the lesson plans, projects, activities, diagrams, and videos. 

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Teach programming with this engaging STEM kit and curriculum!

Teaching programming to new learners can be a difficult tasks. The Circuits 101 Classroom line was designed as a complete classroom solution for teaching electronics. Not only do we give teachers a robust set of materials to use but we also provide the lesson plans, projects, activities, diagrams, and videos. 

Teach programming with this engaging STEM kit and curriculum!

Teaching programming to new learners can be a difficult tasks. The Circuits 101 Classroom line was designed as a complete classroom solution for teaching electronics. Not only do we give teachers a robust set of materials to use but we also provide the lesson plans, projects, activities, diagrams, and videos. 

Our curriculum and lesson plans focus on teaching students the basics of programming while also having them modify more complicated code in order to learn HOW different parts interact. We take parts such as distance sensors and show how to manipulate servos, 7 segment displays, speakers, and LEDs to show readings. Our goal is to inspire and engage students, not just teach them how to write lines of code.

Programming 101 Sets comes with 25 boxes filled with electronics parts and supplies. Teachers can easily hand out the boxes and use our free curriculum and resources to quickly and easily run lessons. Every Set comes with a Teacher Box which includes a full set of supplies as well as additional ribbon cables, tape, and informational cards. Each student box is a compete set of parts to be used by one group of students. (We recommend groups of no larger than three students, especially when working with a computer.)

Programming 101 Sets Include

  • One Teacher Box with additional supplies

  • Free teacher approved curriculum, lesson plans, videos, and diagrams

  • Maker Tape brand conductive tape

  • Free software

  • Over 43 Parts in each box

  • Distance Sensors, Light Sensors, Humidity Sensors, and Temperature Sensors

  • Classroom ready packaging in heavy duty plastic containers

  • Informational Cards with part explanations and example circuits

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